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Four Principles About Software Development Team Speed Every Tech Leader Should Know
Discover four crucial principles to accelerate your software development team's delivery speed.

6 Things Wrong with the Software Development Industry
Dysfunctions of software development negatively affect the lives of those building it as well as the quality of the product.

#CodeIsCommunication: Why Naming Matters
There is a reason why this saying exists: “There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.”

Save Time and Money By Repeating Back What You Hear
Few things are more frustrating than wasting time and money working on the wrong thing, especially when it comes to software development.

The Hidden Costs of Offshoring Your Software Development
When it comes to offshoring, you may find there are several other costs hiding in that hourly rate difference.

Bitten by Assumptions? Got Analysis Paralysis? Get Agile
How is Agile supposed to help us with the problem of having to make so many weighty assumptions in software development?

#CodeIsCommunication: The Value of Constrained Choices in Code
Building software is expensive. But the biggest cost is not writing the new code—it’s understanding the existing code.

There Are No RESTful Urls
Imagine that you're creating a REST API for a product catalog service, and you're building the endpoint to view a product by id. Which...

Are You Cooking Your Pears Correctly? - On Following Agile Recipes
The point of following a recipe isn't to follow a recipe.

The Integrity Intern
An overview of my life as an Integrity intern

Product Ideation to MVP - How to start software planning
This past week we kicked off a new software project at Integrity Inspired Solutions, called Vegan Beacon. This will be an app that maps...

Agile Lessons from Martial Arts
Well, as one of my silat teachers says, "The best way to fight more than one guy is to fight one guy at a time."

Is Scrum Better Than Kanban for Product Development?
To understand why anyone would say this, you have to understand the problem that gave rise to it in the first place.

What is a Story Point?
If you are going to use story points, let's get on the same page about what story points are and how they're intended to be used.

The Definitive, Final, Real, True Definition of an MVP
An MVP is relative to the question you're trying to answer.

The New DDD - Dumbing Down Developers
Software development has inherited a lot from manufacturing practices, for better or worse.

The Dangers of Designing the Database First
Here's the core issue, however: tabular data is woefully inadequate to model the vast majority of business operations.

Domain Anemia
I want you to think for a minute about your application's domain model - specifically, the domain objects. I have a question for you:...

The (Healthy) Software Development Factory
A common issue I’ve seen in the trenches with teams is an unwillingness to cross over lines to do work outside of their specific...

How to Increase Velocity
Thought I’d pick up a little of that sweet, sweet physics traffic with that title. FYI, you can increase your change in position or...
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